Cygnet House Dental, Grace Swan Close, Hundleby, Lincs, PE23 5LT

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Cygnet House Dental Studio

Update Weds 3rd 2020 :- New qualification as an approved Mask Fitter.

5th June 2020

I have been down to london today and taken a qualification as an Authorised Mask fitter so that I am able to provide my staff with a certificate for the fitting of their PPE . I was lucky to be accompanied by my long time colleague Mr Paul Kirby who is a dental technician from Spalding Dental services , and when I left school he was the first person I started my dental career with !!!

We both qualified as mask fitters as to work as a dentist or dental nurse and provide certain procedures I need my staff , and myself to have a Mask Fitting certificate . This would have been a huge issue where we work, as not only are there very few ( if any ) Mask Fitters in Lincolnshire , this is hugely expensive and is only applicable per person to that style of tested mask . As PPE is in such short supply then I doubt I will be able to continually source the same masks , requiring multiple fit tests !!

Should I have not been able to get the appropriate certificate then we simply would not have been in a position to provide treatments that require the creation of ” dental aerosol ” , such as fillings , etc etc — and for my patients, a dentist that cant do the required treatments is not being a lot of help ! The things I do ……….




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